Wednesday 21 December 2016

Donald Trump on tape saying ‘every racist thing ever’, claims Hollywood actor

An American actor claims he has seen footage of President-elect Donald Trump “saying every dirty, every offensive, racist thing ever,” and that a celebrity agent, while “sitting next to Hillary Clinton”, wanted him to release the video before the election.
Tom Arnold, who starred in the movie True Lies, told Seattle radio program “The Dori Monson Show” he had seen the footage when it was sent to him “years ago” as a Christmas video.
“I have [seen] the outtakes to The Apprentice where he says every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever. It was him sitting in that chair saying the N-word, saying the C-word, calling his son a retard, just being so mean to his own children,”
The claims have re-ignited the debate about Mr Trump’s fitness to be President and the pledges he has made to bring Americans together following his divisive campaign.
During the campaign Mr Trump made numerous comments which offended women, immigrants (particularly Mexicans and Muslims), African Americans and people living with disabilities.Arnold said he was contacted the Sunday before the November election Mr Trump won, allegedly by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s agent who was “sitting next to Hillary Clinton”, asking for the tapes.
But he said those responsible for leaking the tapes were “scared to death” of releasing them again.
“They were scared of his people. They’re scared they’ll never work again,” said Arnold. “There’s a $5million confidentiality agreement.”
Mr Trump presented The Apprentice from 2004 to 2015.The claims have not yet been verified by those Arnold alleged were involved in trying to leak the tapes again, or anyone else close to the situation.
Arnold’s tape claim echoes one of the campaign’s biggest controversies.
Just weeks from election day in October a leaked Access Hollywoodtape threatened to derail Mr Trump’s campaign.
The tape revealed Mr Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women, saying he could “grab ‘em by the pussy”.
Many judged the Access Hollywood controversy to be the death knell of Mr Trump’s campaign, however he recovered and beat Ms Clinton by a comfortable margin just weeks later.
A tweet by a former producer on The Apprentice hinted “there are far worse” tapes than the Access Hollywood tape.

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