Monday, 12 December 2016

UK man accused of photographing 49 women changing in Australia

A British man has been accused of secretly photographing 49 women as they changed in fitting rooms in Australia.
The 28-year-old man was arrested at a swimwear store on Queensland's Sunshine Coast on Saturday afternoon, police said.
They allege videos and more than 100 photographs of women undressing were found on his phone.
Many of the images were uploaded to a private Facebook account, police said.
The alarm was raised when another shopper allegedly spotted the man holding a phone above a fitting room cubicle.
The British man, who is in Australia on a working visa, has been charged with 54 counts of recording in breach of privacy. He is due to appear in court on Monday.
Forty-nine women had been indentified in the images, a Queensland police spokeswoman said.
Police urged women who used fitting rooms at Noosa Civic or Sunshine Plaza between 18 November and 10 December to come forward.

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