Sunday 27 November 2016

Chuck Todd on Recount Effort: Smells Like ‘Somebody Talked Jill Stein Into This’

Chuck Todd and his Meet the Press panel this morning approached the Jill Stein campaign’s efforts to push for recounts in three states with quite a bit of skepticism.
Todd didn’t quite get why this is happening. Yahoo columnist Matt Baisaid, “I don’t understand the political play. I don’t really understand why Jill Stein is doing it at this point. I don’t really understand what the Clinton campaign is doing.”
New York Times correspondent Helene Cooper recalled 2000 and wondered why Stein would pursue recounts in three separate states.
Todd then suggested, “Somebody talked Jill Stein into this… That’s what it smells like.” He elaborated:
“Almost guilting her, ‘Hey, the margin, the margin of victory,’ a lot of Clintonites like to point out the margin of victory in Michigan and in Wisconsin would be made up if all Stein voters had voted Clinton.”
 Stein said recently that she wants to ensure the integrity of the system, though she did have a few critical words to say after Hillary Clinton‘s campaign counsel said they would be part of the recount in Wisconsin:

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