Tuesday 29 November 2016

Trump and Asean: what does the future hold?

IN a world that is constantly shifting, change is the only constant we’ve come to embrace. But in a global village that is becoming more interconnected, certain changes can create a domino effect that shakes up even the most resilient and adaptive of businesses. As the reality of Donald Trump and his impending coronation sinks in, questions are already being asked and autopsies conducted.
“Campaign in poetry, govern in prose,” American politician Mario Cuomo once famously noted, and this is in line with the opinions of the speakers and guest panellists at day two of the Outlook 2017 seminar, where the big question on everyone’s lips was: “Which Trump will turn up at the table?”
The final instalment of the Canon Think Big Leadership Business Series, Outlook 2017 examines events of 2016 and their varying repercussions on the business environment in the near future. Held at the Marina Mandarin Hotel ballroom on Nov 16, the seminar focused on the impact of the Trump administration on Asean economies. Organised by The Business Times with support from Canon, the event sought to disentangle the early confusion of the US election result and inject a much-needed boost of positivity in times of incertitude.
Three enlightening presentations by Prof Joseph Liow, Mr Ivan Tan and Prof Lewis Lim were followed by an interactive panel discussion moderated by Vikram Khanna, Associate Editor of The Business Times, and featured guests panellists Prof Andrew Delios, Head of Department and Professor of Strategy and Policy, NUS Business School, and Mrs Judith Fergin, Executive Director, American Chamber of Commerce.

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