Wednesday 30 November 2016

Sanders: 10 Years from Now, ‘No One Will Remember These Damn Emails’

Bernie Sanders sat down with Democracy Now!‘s Amy Goodmanyesterday and did some reflecting on the campaign and what people have to do going forward to oppose Donald Trump.
Goodman brought up his infamous comment about Hillary Clinton‘s “damn emails” and whether he still feels the same way about them today. The FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s emails loomed large in the campaign earlier this year, as well as those letters from Director James Comey
Sanders did not dwell too much on the matter, simply saying, “10 years from now, trust me, no one will remember these damn emails.”
“I prefer to stay on the important issues facing the American people,” he said. “There are other areas we could have gone, as well, that Trump went into, that we chose not to do it, because I think, in my own state, I can tell you that people do want to hear a serious discussion on serious issues.”
(When they discussed Trump a bit later, Sanders briefly acknowledged the “valid criticism of having a private email when you’re doing government business.”)
On the subject of the president-elect, Sanders again said he would work with Trump on areas of agreement, while telling people what they have to do on some of the other things he may try to do:
“We’re fighting for the future of American democracy. We have got to mobilize people and rethink our commitment in terms of what our role is in the political process… What we need to do is to be thinking every day the kinds of role we can play in educating and organizing and mobilizing people to defeat this horrific agenda. And I do believe that if millions of people do stand up and fight back, we can stop him from doing some really awful things. And that’s what I am trying to do right now. And we’ve got to mobilize people to do that.”

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