Tuesday 22 November 2016

Hillary Clinton Is Spotted in the Wild Browsing a Bookstore

Hillary Clinton has never been embarrassed to admit that she loves to read, and there's nothing a reader finds more comforting than a place full of books. Clinton seems to have found some solace in the stacks of The Savoy Bookstore in Waverly, Rhode Island. She stopped there briefly on Sunday with her family: former President Bill Clinton, their daughter Chelsea Clinton, her husband Marc Mezvinsky, and Chelsea and Marc's daughter Charlotte.
In an emotional message, Wick—a Clinton supporter—wrote about her feelings about meeting the former secretary of state. They interacted, but Wick didn't get to say everything she wanted to say.
"I'd have liked to tell her how, at that very bookstore, behind the very same counter she approached to ask about a book, I listened to her concession speech with two of my co-workers and we cried; how in that same spot customers and employees have talked about her with regret and hope," Wick wrote. "She was gracious and she was warm and she said the bookstore was beautiful."
Clinton was last spotted out taking a hike through the woods near her home in Chappaqua, New York. She said in a post-election speech last week that she was still feeling the pain of her loss. "There have been a few times this past week when all I wanted to do is just to curl up with a good book, or our dogs, and never leave the house again," she said.
Wick told The Day that the family "seemed like they were just in need of reading."
In September, Clinton spoke about how she recharges on the campaign trail. "I need the time to collect myself, to catch up on my reading, my sleeping, my exercising all of which get pushed to the bottom of the pile if I don't make time," she said. And now that the election is over, she's taking time for some self-care—starting with hikes, family time, and a few good books.

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