Thursday, 24 November 2016

Nigeria: Responding to the needs of civilians affected by armed conflict

On the outskirts of Maiduguri, Muna informal camp for internally displaced persons. Women wait beside food stacks distributed by the ICRC. CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / Mackenzie Knowles-Coursin
The ICRC has significantly scaled up its humanitarian response to civilians affected by the armed violence in North East Nigeria.
In 2016 we continue to provide food, shelter and essential household items to displaced persons. We have also facilitated access to clean water, shelter and medical care, as well as restored family links.
Highlights of our work in Nigeria between January and October 2016
966,084 returnees and residents of Nigeria received food rations for up to 3 months
 282,381 returnees received agricultural inputs to start farming again
 422,350 IDPs received essential household items
 39,118 cattle and 10,494 sheep and goats belonging to 5,568 people were vaccinated to protect livelihoods
 396,216 patients treated at 16 ICRC-supported health care centres and 8 mobile clinics
 253,000 IDPs, returnees and residents gained access to water to improve their sanitation and hygiene conditions
 Visited 21,952 detainees to help improve their living conditions

For more information, read the full update on our work in Nigeria.

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