Tuesday, 22 November 2016


President-elect Donald Trump is moving beyond the campaign rhetoric of having a special prosecutor investigate Hillary Clinton criminally, according to his former campaign manager.
He’s working now, she said, to address the major issues facing the U.S., and “things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them.”
In a statement to MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, Kellyanne Conway said, “I think when the president-elect, who’s also the head of your party now … tells you before he’s even inaugurated he doesn’t wish to pursue these charges, it sends a very strong message, tone and content to the members.”
Conway is serving on Trump’s transition team in preparation for the Jan. 20 inauguration of the New York billionaire.
“And I think Hillary Clinton still has to face the fact that a majority of Americans don’t find her to be trustworthy, but if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that’s a good thing,” Conway continued. “Look, I think he’s thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the president of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them.”
Others, however, said the decision hasn’t been made.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News that there still are many questions about whether Bill and Hillary Clinton sold access while she was secretary of state to those who gave millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and there needs to be “a serious effort to see if the law was truly violated.”
Multiple investigations have been sought into the Clintons over their foundation, the money that was given to the foundation, how is it used, and whether there was any quid pro quo. There also is the huge issue of her emails.
Trump said he wanted to see Clinton investigated not as a political opponent but because she has blatantly violated U.S. espionage laws, mishandled top-secret information, destroyed government files and obstructed justice with her handling of classified information on a private server in her home while she was in office.
Multiple news reports have confirmed “FBI agents were ready to revolt” over Director James Comey’s “cowardly” whitewash of the bureau’s investigation into those emails, in which he said her emails were being investigated, then he cleared her, then he reopened the investigation, and cleared her again.
Even the left-leaning PolitiFact website confirmed 33,000 emails were deleted from Clinton’s unsecure private server three weeks after she received a congressional subpoena – an act that normally would result in a contempt-of-Congress charge.
Surveys showed 56 percent of Americans believe Hillary Clinton should have been indicted.
While legal experts such as Judge Andrew Napolitano were insisting “the evidence of her guilt is overwhelming” and “it was obviously a policy decision by the White House not to investigate her,” Trump was promising as president to appoint a special prosecutor to conduct a complete and fair investigation.

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