Tuesday 10 January 2017

Gaziantep attack: 'Terrorist' killed in gun battle outside police station in Turkish city near Syrian border

Gunfire has been reported outside a police station in the Turkish city of Gaziantep in a suspected terror attack, just days after an explosion outside a courthouse.
Local reports said ambulances were sent to the scene, near the Syrian border, amid fears of casualties.
One suspected "terrorist" was shot dead by police during the gun battle, CNN Turk reported, while at least one accomplice was feared to be on the run.Footage showed office workers running for cover as dozens of armed police took positions to protect the security headquarters.
Turkey's NTV broadcaster said the assailants may have been planning a suicide bombing. Disposal teams were being deployed to search for any explosive devices.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
Gaziantep was the site of a terror attack blamed on Isis in August, where a suicide bomber killed more than 50 people at a Kurdish wedding.
Tuesday's attack came just days after a bombing blamed on Kurdish extremists outside a court in Izmir.
It follows a wave of attacks targeting civilians carried out by Isis and Kurdish extremist groups across Turkey.President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government is backing Syrian opposition fighters to push back both Isis and Kurdish militias in northern Syria, as well as fighting a long-running insurgency by Kurdish groups in southern and eastern Turkey.

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